Today is my first day back seeing clients after a week’s break. It’s also a full moon for those who are interested.I aim to take one week off every three months to recharge and reset so I remain my best self for my clients, but life is always...
Closing a door so you can heal or honour yourself does not mean it has to stay closed forever.I’ve been reflecting a lot on boundaries this week, and how strong boundaries must also be flexible boundaries. Needing to “close the door” to someone or...
‘Trying’ to be a good person misses one key fact: there are no good or bad people, just people acting out of integrity with themselves and out of fear. It also implies that there’s a right and wrong way to behave, and some how you’ve been...
Perhaps there’s an argument that putting a band aid (plaster for the Brits amongst us) on a wound won’t fix anything. It will simply give the wearer the ability to pretend everything is OK and allow them to mask their feelings and pain.This is absolutely...
Boundaries, surrender, flow and autism is an interesting mix. As someone who really advocates for strong boundaries, I also understand that they only work if you really believe in them. All the parts of you have to be agreed that this boundary is a non-negotiable. I...
There’s a negative connotation that is associated with inconsistency. We seem to think that we have to show up in whatever way consistently in order to do well in whatever we’re trying to do. I also say the same thing to clients with therapy – show...
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