Today is my first day back seeing clients after a week’s break. It’s also a full moon for those who are interested.

I aim to take one week off every three months to recharge and reset so I remain my best self for my clients, but life is always unpredictable.

This last week I was conscious that resting and relaxing was harder than normal for me. There was a part of me resisting it and wanting to use my break productively to really get back into learning Portuguese (I live in an area full of expats so it’s super easy not to practice as the local people all speak amazing English….unlike when I moved to Italy 13 years ago and no-one spoke a word so I learned very quickly!) And working on my group facilitation course.

I had to consciously work with various parts of myself this week to rest, look after my nervous system and recharge. I had to ask those parts that wanted to be productive what it was about and what they needed, and focus on love and kindness instead of any fearful or “lack” thoughts. It took a little effort but I got there.

Therapists are human too. We have stuff that comes up and hopefully have tools and people in place to support us. Good therapists use their own tools in their own lives so they understand how they work (for us – everyone is different which is why I have lots of different tools for my clients). They invest in their own therapy and healing so they can show up for their clients (and their own lives!). This last week was another opportunity to dig even deeper into my own innate sense of peace. We all have this capacity within us, we just have to remove the blocks to love’s presence.