How to deal with Negativity in 3 Steps

It’s all very well when things are going great to get all giddy and excited. It’s human nature. Positivity breeds more positivity.   But what happens if you’re somewhere negative? What if you’re around negative people or what if you...

Giving yourself permission

So this week I was going to talk about your ability to say no to people, mainly at work, and how that actually ends up benefiting you and your boss because you’re more productive in what you do take on…and don’t go off with stress.   However,...

Playing to your strengths

I was recently given a copy of Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. For those of you who might not of heard of this book before, it’s basically a sort of personality questionnaire that focuses on finding your strengths rather than your weaknesses.   So far, I...

Are you who you say you are?

Are you being genuine? Or are you acting out a part; being who you think people want you to be? This is a question I’ve found myself asking a lot recently. I’m sure we’ve all done it before – talked ourselves up at interviews, put on a slightly...

How badly do you want it?

There is a common misconception that if you want something really badly, you have to work super duper hard to get it. I’d like to challenge this idea.   The whole concept of the law of attraction tells us that the universe is abundant i.e. there is more...