Creating boundaries with people you love

Creating boundaries with people you love

That third phone call of the day, ‘Just to check in and see how you are’. The second text from a friend, ‘Just seeing if you’ve had chance to look at that thing for me yet? No worries if not….’ That PM on Facebook from someone you...

Making a stand (even when it means losing business)

This week I learned a valuable lesson, which I thought I’d learned quite some time ago – the art of saying no. I think the universe sometimes decides I need to learn a lesson, then conspires to throw everything at me at once so I DEFINITELY learn it....

What to do when you don’t have a holiday coming up

This may seem like an odd thing to be writing about given I’ve just spent a wonderful week in Italy, but since I now don’t have anything planned until my trip to India in October, I am starting to get cabin fever already. The problem with having a...

Why bother?

  One thing I seem to be asked more and more is how do I stay motivated. Or better yet, how do I even get motivated to do something. At this point I’d like to point out that I have next to no willpower, so you’ll be glad to hear that’s not my secret. However, I...