What is a special relationship?

What is a special relationship?

How do we create specialness and separateness in our relationships? When we make people special, either by making them into some kind of idol, or some kind of demon, we separate ourselves from not only them, but also our universal source energy, which can leave us...
The hard way to learn self-worth (and the easier way!)

The hard way to learn self-worth (and the easier way!)

We get told all the time that crap stuff happens for a reason (as does the good stuff), and that we should look for the lesson. I’ve said that myself enough times. Sometimes though, the lesson isn’t all that easy to find. Sometimes it’s buried so...
It’s not your concern

It’s not your concern

I came across the quote above (by Emily Maroutian – sorry it cuts off on some screens!) the other week when I really needed what A Course in Miracles calls a ‘miracle’: I needed a shift in perspective. I needed to understand and accept emotionally,...
The #JudgmentDetox Continued – How to deal with bad situations

The #JudgmentDetox Continued – How to deal with bad situations

Choosing not to be judgmental is a pretty tall order, especially when there are so many crappy situations out there in the world today. So how is your #judgmentdetox going?! Over the last couple of weeks I’ve had my buttons pushed a LOT. I’ve heard about...
The Judgment Detox

The Judgment Detox

Last week I attended a workshop with Gabrielle Bernstein all about judgment, or, more specifically, how to not judge. It was so inspiring and I always love spending (virtual) time in Gabby’s presence and learn so much from her. Everyone who attended has...