“I rule my mind, which I alone must rule.” ~A Course in Miracles, Lesson 236We often think we are not in control of our thoughts and feelings. I get it. Sometimes it feels as if we’ve been taken over by something and are completely powerless to the...
Deep down, all anyone really wants is our honesty and authenticity. When we honour and respect someone enough to be real with them, we give them a gift, and they, in turn, allow us to feel truly ‘seen’ and understood.This is my happy place. In the quiet...
None of these things make you bad, stupid or a terrible person. Behaviours may shape how we are perceived, but we get to change that by learning how to act in integrity with our soul, rather than our ego. This is a moment by moment process, which allows for a huge...
The accomplishment of the goal does not exist in the future. It exists right now, in the small actions you take in alignment with the person you want to be.I have made a lot of mistakes. A LOT. I’ve done things I spent a long time being ashamed of (until I...
We cannot control others.We can never control others. Trying to, or trying to tailor our actions in order to elicit a particular response from someone else, never works. What we do have control over, is the power to elicit change within ourselves. It took me a long...
She continued the practice of choosing herself, and realised something interesting in the process. When she really, truly, chose herself; when she honoured and respected herself enough to choose what was loving for her, it ended up being what was most loving for those...
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