Well hey there! I’m working on a few actual posts but my main thing today is to let you know that next weekend I am embarking on a trip that has taken me five years to plan. FYI – I haven’t actually been planning for five years, in the regular sense...
So, surprise surprise, I succumbed to the lovely cold that’s been going around the whole of London over the last couple of weeks. To be fair,’succumbed’ is probably a bit strong (but what a lovely word it is…go on, say it…SAY IT!). More...
So, that moment when you hear your phone go (& know who it is cos only that person uses that generic IM app), scream ‘Yey’ out loud, to yourself, in an empty apartment and skip (yes – left foot up, hop, change and repeat – actually skip) in...
So I know I talk about mindfulness a lot on this blog, and rightly so, it’s great, but sometimes I get so frustrated with being mindful I need to break ranks and do something crazy. Sometimes, lovely people, I like to dream. Sometimes being present is hard....
As I sit in silence waiting for the raised voices to stop, I realise that they only seem to be getting louder. Why? Surely everyone knows if you’re in a shouting match with someone the best thing to do is speak quietly to calm the other person down so they have...
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