How to change your beliefs

How to change your beliefs

Everyone once thought the world was flat. Want to know how we learned the world was round? We challenged that belief. Well, one brave soul challenged that belief and eventually used logic and science to convince everyone else. Imagine how ridiculous our world would be...
It’s not your concern

It’s not your concern

I came across the quote above (by Emily Maroutian – sorry it cuts off on some screens!) the other week when I really needed what A Course in Miracles calls a ‘miracle’: I needed a shift in perspective. I needed to understand and accept emotionally,...
On guilt and shame

On guilt and shame

Guilt and shame are two words that make me die a little inside every time I hear them. I pride myself on my honesty, my integrity, and my loving intention. I do my very best to be objective, kind and loving. It doesn’t always work and sometimes I ‘see my...
An open letter to my indecisive self

An open letter to my indecisive self

Dear Emma, I know you’ve always had a problem with making decisions. Ever since you can remember you’ve been too scared to make a decision, in case it’s the wrong one. Your parents tried to protect you by making decisions for you, and whilst, yes, it...
The question you should ALWAYS ask before any conversation

The question you should ALWAYS ask before any conversation

I had a conversation with a family member this weekend. They’ll remain nameless to avoid any upset. The conversation started because said family member, let’s call them ‘ET’, wanted to ‘have it out’ with someone close to them whose...