A lot of the stuff I read about following your dreams gives you the same advice – dream big or go home. I bought in to this for a long time. Or maybe I misunderstood it. I dreamt big. I had big ideas. I wanted to do so much. I read everything I could. I...
Well Hello! So it’s been a while since I gave away anything from my therapy toolbox so I figured I needed to change that. Not only am I giving away one of my favourite tools for changing your perspective and feeling good about your next steps, I’m also...
It occurred to me this morning that, over the past few months, I’ve managed to put myself back in to a little bit of a box. What I mean by this is that I started wondering if I was being limited by my own world view. As regular readers will know, I recently...
There’s been an awful lot going on in my world of late – I moved apartments. Actually, that’s pretty much it but it seemed to take some much time and energy, even though we were only moving 30 mins away to East London (New apartment, in a marina,...
Are you at the Jubilee? I live about 20m from the Thames in London but I’m actually spending this rainy afternoon in our flat, writing, playing, and watching it all unfold on the BBC. Why am I asking you about the Jubilee? Because people asked me. And, I have to...
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