What to do when you don’t have a holiday coming up

This may seem like an odd thing to be writing about given I’ve just spent a wonderful week in Italy, but since I now don’t have anything planned until my trip to India in October, I am starting to get cabin fever already. The problem with having a...

6 sure fire ways to de-stress and get happy

Stressed? Moody? Want to de-stress and be happy? You’re reading the right stuff dear creator! This is a straightforward approach to de-stressing and getting happy. Really quick, easy ways to feel better. Enjoy! 1. 10 Yogic Breaths Deep yogic breathing helps...

MASSIVE Action – Are you wasting your time?

I’ve done another vlog (yey!). No really, I don’t much care for them myself but I know you all like to see who’s talking to you so I’ve chatted on for a bit in front of the camera this time around. It’s a little long winded because...