So It’s been a few weeks since I posted my last ‘Yoga Experiment’ update about how I was getting on doing 15 minutes Yoga Nidra every day.

I’ve now finished my four weeks and am pleased to announce that I never missed a day! I know that might sound a bit rubbish considering that I did commit to doing it everyday for a month but actually, when you work and have stuff planned in the evening it’s not always that easy to find 15 minutes just for yourself for quiet focused relaxation.

The fact that I’d committed to it with you guys made things a lot easier. I couldn’t back out, because I would have had to tell you I couldn’t practise what I preached. I couldn’t find 15 minutes in my day for myself. That would have been a really sad admission to have to make.

But hey! I’m here and I did it and now I can share the fruits of my wisdom with you (ha! when I’m 90 and still sitting in lotus position, then I can say I have wisdom, so for now, let’s call it ‘learning’).

I talked in the last post on this about the sorts of things I’d experienced as a result of doing yoga nidra but this time I want to talk about my overall experience and most importantly, whether I think it’s worth making it part of your daily routine.

The experience of doing yoga nidra over a period of time definitely made me feel more comfortable over all and better able to cope with the stresses of my day job. I’ve also noticed feeling more detached – not in a ‘I’m going to end up an unfeeling mentally unstable person’ way, but more in a ‘not as invested on particular outcomes and therefore more easily able to go with the flow and adapt to changes’ way.

Just to back-track a bit, a few years ago I had a snow-boarding accident (because I’m a skier and should never have been on a snowboard in the first place – silly girl!) and pulled a ligament in my hip which put me out of action for around six months. For the first three months I couldn’t do any exercise except physio which meant no yoga. Missing my spiritual connection and time for myself, I found myself spending up to thirty minutes a day meditating which was immensely liberating as previously I’d never managed more than five minutes consistent concentration, but I guess practice makes perfect!

Coming back to now then….I found yoga nidra to be a great way for me to get back in to my meditation practice, and for those who struggle to concentrate it’s a great introduction to stilling the mind.

Don’t dismiss it as just an introduction though. I still didn’t get on to the third track of my nidra audio because I was still facing resistance on the second one. Contrary to popular belief, there are various levels to yoga nidra and it takes practise to reach the deeper ones; one month was not enough for me. At the deeper levels, I would imagine you get to the true heart of yoga – Samadhi – true bliss and enlightenment.

As for me and my opinion, if you want a spiritual journey, start yoga nidra but be prepared to be diligent and in it for the long haul – self exploration can be a dirty business. For those who just want something to help them relax and still their mind, whilst maybe introducing them to the beauty of meditation, try the yoga experiment for yourself. Allow yourself to feel the resistance and grow through it.

Disclaimer: I’m a novice here (hence the title – experiment) but I’d love to hear from people who are more experienced than me on this aspect of yoga – please post your comments people and let’s start a conversation! 🙂

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