An open letter to my indecisive self

An open letter to my indecisive self

Dear Emma, I know you’ve always had a problem with making decisions. Ever since you can remember you’ve been too scared to make a decision, in case it’s the wrong one. Your parents tried to protect you by making decisions for you, and whilst, yes, it...
What to do when you’re scared

What to do when you’re scared

I’ll let you in on a secret, I used to live my entire life in fear. Of course back then I called in anxiety. It was the ‘in’ word at the time. I was anxious about everything – work, chores, friends, boyfriends, family, food, even minor changes...
Choosing to put yourself in harm’s way

Choosing to put yourself in harm’s way

This week I sort of moved back in with my parents. At thirty-one years old. Into my childhood room, which I spent the whole of last weekend clearing out of fifteen years of accumulated memories and junk (in equal measure). To make room for a two-bed house’s...
No-one’s perfect

No-one’s perfect

Most of you know by now that in my early twenties I had an eating disorder. It’s no secret and whilst some people have used that information to try to hurt me in the past, it’s all over my website so it’s definitely not something I’m ashamed...
Is routine and consistency a good thing?

Is routine and consistency a good thing?

If you follow me on any kind of social media, you’ll know by now that last week I got a puppy. I’ve wanted one for a long time and chose carefully, then waited for months for the right breeder and the right litter. Patience isn’t my strongest trait,...