

It’s OK to no longer be available for things, people, behaviours or environments that don’t feel respectful, kind, or light you up. You don’t even have to give a reason, justify yourself or apologise. Even if someone apologised, or there were...


Today I quit surfing. I first really learned to surf in Sri Lanka a few years ago, and enjoyed it, but since then it’s definitely become something I’ve had to coax myself into (not helped by English oceans and weather). I’m not sure why it took me so...


We make thousands of choices every day. Mostly without thinking. Our brains learn patterns and choose what’s best for us based on our beliefs and past experience. It’s a really useful thing. It is also what keeps us doing the same unhelpful stuff, time...


Maybe people think that they require discipline in order to thrive. They think that if they weren’t harsh and strict with themselves, they would fall off the wagon and live in squalor, eating take out and never exercising, forgetting to call loved ones or go to...


I’ve been playing around a lot with the idea of trust recently and this is where I’ve ended up. I am often asked, how do I learn to trust? I don’t know if it is a learning, but more a doing: a decision. At some point, you must take a leap of faith....


If you think you need to change your feelings depending on whether on not someone can handle them, please stop. Your feelings are your feelings. They are not symbiotic with another person’s pain or happiness. Your feelings are just that: how you feel. They do...