The blog
thoughts from me to youOn hopelessness and surrendering
A friend asked me the other day if I had ever felt overwhelmed when meeting a client for the first time and hearing their 'story' or the reasons why they were seeking support. Honestly, overwhelmed, no. In awe, deeply honoured and humbled....yes.When someone shares...
When nothing makes sense
Our brains like to make sense of things. It's why as children, if we experience abandonment or trauma, we often internalise it as being our fault, because our brains need answers and our cognitive ability isn't able to understand the wider context.We take things...
Something on loss
Something on loss:When we lose someone, or perhaps even a beloved pet, there is often an urge to 'fill the hole' left with another person, a new relationship, a new pet. That strategy can seem to work temporarily, but when you put your happiness outside of yourself,...
Healing miracles
There's a couple of miraculous moments that happen in a healing process, when you know all the tears, all the frustration, blame, guilt and shame, and all the work you've been doing to heal them are finally starting to make a difference.The first is when you notice...
The answer
Something that I've found helpful to work with the last week or so....A Course in Miracles is annoyingly clear when it comes to how to respond to others. Everything....everything is either love, or a call for love. That means if something doesn't seem loving, if...
Forgiveness Workshops
As you may know, I've spent the last four months in a therapeutic group facilitation training course. As I reach the end of that training next month, I am stepping bravely out into the world and actually beginning to host group spaces.I am eternally grateful to my...
Friendship hack
Friendship hack:I wanted to share something I've done for years, but always seems to surprise people. It's a really small and easy thing to do, but seems to make a really big difference to your friends and loved ones.Every time a friend mentions an important date for...
Bringing peace
This morning one of the girls who works at the cafe I go to every morning, who's only 17, stopped to tell me that whenever I'm in the cafe, she always feels really calm.That one small act of kindness and courage, that small act of sharing with me, made my day.There is...
Letting go and finding peace
What if we didn't judge?What if we gave up trying to understand or figure out or make sense of stuff?What if we let go of our need to be right, in favour of not knowing?What if we just accepted that we were unable to know, or understand, or judge, because we will...