How to hustle in a job you hate

Now, you may think I’m writing this out of some need to get off my chest that I hate my job. I actually don’t at this point. I actually quite like my job. As far as jobs go, it challenges me, gets me in to an environment where I meet cool people and gets...

What to do when you don’t have a holiday coming up

This may seem like an odd thing to be writing about given I’ve just spent a wonderful week in Italy, but since I now don’t have anything planned until my trip to India in October, I am starting to get cabin fever already. The problem with having a...

Being limited by my own world view

It occurred to me this morning that, over the past few months, I’ve managed to put myself back in to a little bit of a box. What I mean by this is that I started wondering if I was being limited by my own world view. As regular readers will know, I recently...