Nothing beats experience

Nothing beats experience

I’ve always thought of myself as a theoretical learner. I was always the one wanting to read the instruction manual thoroughly, before opening the bag of 1001 how-to-confuse-the-heck-out-of-you Ikea screws. I valued my French grammar lessons because they taught...

A change is as good as a rest.

I think there are two types of people – those who love technology, and those who loathe it / don’t get it / don’t understand it.   I am one of the former (but bear with me if you’re a hater – I’m not going to get all geeky on...

Playing to your strengths

I was recently given a copy of Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. For those of you who might not of heard of this book before, it’s basically a sort of personality questionnaire that focuses on finding your strengths rather than your weaknesses.   So far, I...

What’s holding you back?

I recently went through some dramatic life changes, spurred on by seemingly overnight life-altering decisions, taken by me, and although it seemed like these decisions had literally taken years to make, once I had actually made them and committed to them, everything...