Finding the fun

Finding the fun

Something magical has happened over the last few weeks. Maybe it’s the full moon, maybe it’s finding a nice boy to keep me company, or maybe it’s just that it’s Wales and the sun has been shining a bit, but I’m so full of inspiration...
What I really think about ‘making a fresh start’

What I really think about ‘making a fresh start’

On Thursday it was a new moon, a solar eclipse and the 1st September. That’s a pretty big deal in astrology terms. I’m all for making a fresh start, but as normal, my view is sometimes a little different from others. I’ve made more fresh starts than...
Why you’re not achieving your goals and what to do about it

Why you’re not achieving your goals and what to do about it

There’s a weird paradox that’s been coming up for my clients recently around finding a balance between acceptance where they are now, and knowing they want to progress and do bigger and better things. Here’s how to find that balance which will allow...
How to be happy – Six Steps in a Video

How to be happy – Six Steps in a Video

I made another video and this one I love! I realised there’s a really straight-forward, six step process to being happy and at peace, that you can use your entire life, for any situation. The video breaks it down for you. I’m really excited about this and...
What if THIS was your moment?

What if THIS was your moment?

We spend so much time analysing, procrastinating and waiting. What are we waiting for? The stars to align? The seas to part? Why do we feel like we need a huge sign to tell us it’s OK to do what we want to do? Who’s permission are we after here? I probably...