by Emma | Sep 17, 2019
Some words of wisdom I know are right, but am still learning to put into practice consistently:
Don’t stay stuck in your victimhood just because giving up the justifications for being hurt or angry seems too great a sacrifice. When the sacrifice you feel by holding your pain becomes greater than the ego’s desire to remain right in it’s opinion of whatever happened, you will naturally let the past go, and find peace. It doesn’t make sense to me that for so long, we have tried to ‘forgive’ and ‘move on’ from trauma, whilst still desperately clinging to the fact that we had wrong done to us, and therefore we are a ‘victim’ or a ‘survivor’. How can we imagine we can let go of trauma and find peace if we continue to carry around the badge of honour we supposedly earned through living through it? We don’t have to deny it happened, but perhaps, one day, we can find a way to see it differently, and realise it is our judgements which cause us pain, and if we stop making things, people and events right or wrong or good or bad, then we can allow ourselves to experience life as it is, instead of making it into something else
by Emma | Sep 2, 2019
And maybe it is in the space in between, in the distance we create between the prompt and the ego, where we find ourselves, and the love that we knew was somewhere, and which we often thought was hiding from us, waiting for us to prove ourselves worthy of it.
Maybe, that love was there all along, waiting for the pause, waiting patiently for us to find it, and realise it was ours all along, waiting to be acknowledged and gifted to the world
by Emma | Aug 9, 2019
There is something sacred in being truly seen by another human soul. Having someone seemingly outside of you see your whole as so much more than the sum of your parts, and actually accept you, as you are, as whole and complete, without judgement or an attempt to change you, is the most incredible gift anyone has ever given me.
I hope that I have done the same for others, whether through counselling or romantic relationships, friendships, family, or people I’ve met seemingly randomly.
We all have an opportunity to extend peace and acceptance to someone else, and in doing so, we will be able to receive more peace and acceptance for ourselves.
P.s. I miss Sri Lanka, where I learned the most how to share my soul with others…and sit in the peacefulness of being seen
by Emma | Aug 9, 2019
I’m going through an old notebook and found this (ignore the shocking handwriting – translation below!)….I wrote it on my first trip to Sri Lanka in November 2017, provisionally for a course or programme I don’t think I ended up launching….but I don’t think it’s by chance I came across it today. ♡ How have I shown kindness? ♡ Where have I been triggered? Aka where is my opportunity to heal?
♡ How you do one thing is how you do everything….something introduced to me by a friend and something I’m still contemplating.
♡ What am I being asked to receive (from what is happening in my experience today)? Not bad questions to ask myself on a more regular basis
by Emma | Jul 31, 2019
It is not in the experience of the journey that life is created, but in the intention you set as you create it.
Set your intention, and the way you experience life will adapt to match it. 📸 from a few weeks ago at sunrise after a night camping in the woods….p.s. waking up for sunrise – well worth it