by Emma | Jul 4, 2019
What does it look like, to be honest, to be truly in integrity with your heart, in that space where there is no discrepancy between your heart, thoughts, words and actions? Does it feel better? Is there more freedom in that truth? For sure there will be lessons in discernment, when to speak and when to act, when to pause and examine the contents of your heart, in the times you feel less than peaceful, and want to use your words as weapons to share the magnitude of your pain. But yes, in truth you will find freedom. You will find a love and gratitude that will surpass the thoughts of judgement and separation. For in honesty, we find connection, we find what it looks like when we see ourselves in another, and recognise love instead of seeing fear. I can tell you I’m good, and it’s true, but I can also share that I have moments when tears and grief flow from me like a never ending river, and I wonder how so much pain can be stored in one body. When I say I’m good, I mean all is well. I mean I know what love feels like and I know pain, and I’m choosing love
by Emma | Jul 2, 2019
One from the archives:
Do not underestimate me.
I can move mountains with a flick of my tongue.
I breathe fire and life into existence from the very images in my head and you,
You my friend, can do exactly the same if you choose.
Take off your blindfold, stop playing the victim, forgive yourself and trust that you too, have it all.
Look at the world again.
Look with innocent eyes, without the judgement and the pain of the past.
See what you would see if all you saw was love.
Then tell me I can’t, again, and watch me make it happen
by Emma | Jun 18, 2019
So she held that moment, and looked for whatever was within it that would make her kinder and more loving, and took that with her as she moved forward into a new moment.
And she realised that it was so much easier to love unconditionally when she knew the connection was temporary, before all the usual hopes and fears and expectations had chance to infuse themselves into it and make it a false version of it’s true self. For where there is no truth, there is no reality, and isn’t that all she was really looking for? A few moments of authenticity, realness, connection: true unconditional, unencumbered love with another human being?
What would it look like if every connection was like that? Taken for exactly what is was and nothing more – an opportunity to be seen, and to love, and be loved, just for a moment, without any expectations or judgments or opinions. No right or wrong, good or bad….just you and me, in the here and now…. P.S. to those who gift others tokens to remember those moments, thank you x
by Emma | Jun 13, 2019
Rest comes not from sleeping, but from waking. ~A Course In Miracles
Quite often, I’ve looked at this sea over the last few months and just started crying, because I have no words for how beautiful it is and how grateful I am to be here. Cornwall and it’s community are teaching me how to be much more present to life, how to see clearly, and rest peacefully. The beauty we see is a reflection of the beauty inside us, if we choose to acknowledge it
by Emma | Jun 9, 2019
I’ve noticed myself being super impatient and irritable the last few days….then the sun came out and I remembered that I get to choose how I feel and how I want to move through the world.
Note to self: you cannot receive what you are not already giving. If you’re not already giving it, it’s because you believe you lack something, and are looking for it outside yourself. You cannot receive what you think you don’t have, because we’re all one (so you’re trying to get something from yourself that you belief you don’t have – that’s why it’s impossible). I know, I know. It’s a lot….and maybe it will resonate or not. It’s all ok. All paths lead end in the same place