Another freebie (and the gift that keeps on giving)

So today is not going to be me spouting forth my…ahem…AMAZING wisdom on how to live a more stress-free and peaceful existence because I have something very exciting to share with you. This week I got an email from one of my lovely clients, who booked a...

Five things you didn’t know about hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is what I do. As a bit of background, I never intended to become a hypnotherapist. I mean seriously, who wants to announce that in answer to the annoying ‘So, what do you do?’ question at parties. I’ve actually tried it out – ‘So, what do you do?’....

How hypnotherapy can reduce stress (free audio!)

For today’s blog post, I didn’t want to give you more reading, I wanted to SHOW you how hypnotherapy can reduce stress. Although there are a lot of articles that have accumulated on this site over the past year and a half, most of them talk about actually...

MASSIVE Action – Are you wasting your time?

I’ve done another vlog (yey!). No really, I don’t much care for them myself but I know you all like to see who’s talking to you so I’ve chatted on for a bit in front of the camera this time around. It’s a little long winded because...

The Yoga Experiment Part 1

For the past week and a half I have been diligently listening to a Yoga Nidra audio by Swami Muktibodhanana Saraswati and promised last week to continue it for a month and post my experiences online. Previously, I have only ever had one yoga nidra session, done in an...