5 tips to survive the holidays

We all know that feeling – you know you should be feeling all excited about Christmas, but instead all you can do is count up how little time you have to get all you need to get done, done. I have no idea what who I’m getting what for Christmas. That...

And the winner is…

Good morning! Just a quick one to let you know I have selected the winner of our ‘free session’ (thanks Chrissy). Jenn* will be having her session this week to help her prep for the stresses a family Christmas can bring…more on that in the next post....

Another freebie (and the gift that keeps on giving)

So today is not going to be me spouting forth my…ahem…AMAZING wisdom on how to live a more stress-free and peaceful existence because I have something very exciting to share with you. This week I got an email from one of my lovely clients, who booked a...

Getting back on the horse

Were you ever told that as a child? ‘Oh look, you’ve fallen off your bike / horse (I grew up in the country – shovelling shit at 6:30am on a freezing Saturday morning is NOT privileged) / got your heart-broken – what you need to do is get right...

Three Steps Forward, Two Steps Back

Off the back of my post last week, when I explained how I’m going to make more time for my ‘hippy’ side, and reduce my corporate workload to accommodate it, I’ve had one hell of a week. For anyone outside of the UK, we had MASSIVE storms on...