Hug it out or stiff upper lip? What’s your emotional IQ?

A few of my colleagues and I were talking yesterday and stumbled upon an interesting topic (well, it was to us anyway!), which I thought I’d share with you today. What’s your take on physical contact? As in, random people or acquaintances getting up close...

Are you playing it safe?

Are you living the dream or playing it safe? Isn’t it a good idea to sometimes hedge your bets? I subscribe to quite a few blogs. I get lovely feel-good stuff directly to my inbox. Some of it makes me think, some of it I think I know already and some of it...

When was the last time you leaped?

This is the story of how my dad conquered his fear. I am currently on holiday with my parents and my brother. Yes it might be a strange thing for a twenty-something to do, but it’s become a bit of a tradition. Every year, for the past seven years, we’ve come to the...

Recognising and releasing resistance

I sat, staring in the mirror, amazed at what I had discovered. I was my own worst enemy. I was the one holding me back. For some unknown reason, my subconscious was creating barriers, blocking me from achieving what I wanted to achieve. It sounds strange but this...