Being limited by my own world view

It occurred to me this morning that, over the past few months, I’ve managed to put myself back in to a little bit of a box. What I mean by this is that I started wondering if I was being limited by my own world view. As regular readers will know, I recently...

The Jubilee and being yourself

Are you at the Jubilee? I live about 20m from the Thames in London but I’m actually spending this rainy afternoon in our flat, writing, playing, and watching it all unfold on the BBC. Why am I asking you about the Jubilee? Because people asked me. And, I have to...

Hug it out or stiff upper lip? What’s your emotional IQ?

A few of my colleagues and I were talking yesterday and stumbled upon an interesting topic (well, it was to us anyway!), which I thought I’d share with you today. What’s your take on physical contact? As in, random people or acquaintances getting up close...

How to be fearless without being reckless

I was thinking this afternoon about what might hold someone back from doing something big and scary and the only thing I could come up with was this… A FEAR OF FAILURE. But as I started to think about this, I realised that to hold you back, you have to have a...