How to be 100% confident

I went to one of my oldest friend’s wedding this weekend. I had to do a reading. In church. In front of everyone. The last time I went to church was at another wedding two years ago.  It. Was. Scary. I have no idea why I find public speaking scary. It...

Why bigger isn’t always better

A lot of the stuff I read about following your dreams gives you the same advice – dream big or go home. I bought in to this for a long time. Or maybe I misunderstood it. I dreamt big. I had big ideas. I wanted to do so much. I read everything I could. I...

How to make friends like a New Yorker (from the friend of one)

I was sat in my Italian class, a week after arriving in Italy to prove my worth to my parents in my new Italian Liaison role. I moved from the UK to Italy with no knowledge of Italy and, having only been there a couple of times previously, no knowledge of the culture....

Facing your fears (and other cliches)

This week, as you may know if you follow me on Twitter, I finally booked my flights to India. This trip has been five years in the making. Ever since I did my yoga teacher training with my inspirational teacher Conrad Paul, in London, I have wanted to see the...