Do you really need passion?

There’s been an awful lot going on in my world of late – I moved apartments. Actually, that’s pretty much it but it seemed to take some much time and energy, even though we were only moving 30 mins away to East London (New apartment, in a marina,...

MASSIVE Action – Are you wasting your time?

I’ve done another vlog (yey!). No really, I don’t much care for them myself but I know you all like to see who’s talking to you so I’ve chatted on for a bit in front of the camera this time around. It’s a little long winded because...

Think you should be doing something else?

Is there something you wish you could do, or be, or go see…but you can’t because of whatever reason? Whenever you’re doing something which isn’t really what you want to be doing, you create resistance and tension within yourself. This is what...

Why bother?

  One thing I seem to be asked more and more is how do I stay motivated. Or better yet, how do I even get motivated to do something. At this point I’d like to point out that I have next to no willpower, so you’ll be glad to hear that’s not my secret. However, I...

On finding your dream

In a lot of my posts I talk about following your dream; focusing your thoughts on what you want and going for it. It struck me there can be a massive problem with this – what if you don’t know what your dream is? You might have some goals in life, you...