How to surrender without giving up

How to surrender without giving up

Do you ever feel like life is just getting a little bit too hard? Like you REALLY want to know what the secret is that all these successful, happy people seem to have that you don’t? I know that feeling. That feeling that creeps in and let’s you know that...
I’m only as good as this moment

I’m only as good as this moment

Something occurred to me today. If we consider time as the flexible entity that it is, in that the past doesn’t actually exist anywhere but in our memories and the future doesn’t exist at all and is purely speculative, we only have the present moment. The...
Nothing beats experience

Nothing beats experience

I’ve always thought of myself as a theoretical learner. I was always the one wanting to read the instruction manual thoroughly, before opening the bag of 1001 how-to-confuse-the-heck-out-of-you Ikea screws. I valued my French grammar lessons because they taught...
Why I started my business in Mercury Retrograde

Why I started my business in Mercury Retrograde

There’s a lot of hype around Mercury being in retrograde the last few weeks. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I chose to start my full-time coaching gig in the middle of it. If you don’t know what Mercury being in retrograde means, you’re probably in...
Manifesting the life of your dreams

Manifesting the life of your dreams

I bet you already think you know what I’m going to write here don’t you? Yet another post on manifesting the life of your dreams, how you can have it all if only you just perfected that vision board or wished hard enough or read The Secret one more time....