I bet you already think you know what I’m going to write here don’t you? Yet another post on manifesting the life of your dreams, how you can have it all if only you just perfected that vision board or wished hard enough or read The Secret one more time.
I’m probably not going to say any of that stuff at all, but I’m not making any promises. What I will tell you is that manifesting, for most people, is a lot harder than people make out, although it doesn’t have to be. Also, half the time you’re doing it, you don’t even realise, and that sucks.
With the plethora of articles, books and videos out there on manifesting or the law of attraction nowadays, you’d have to have been hibernating for most of your life not to know about this stuff. Just in case, here’s my really simple definition:
Manifesting the life of your dreams is the deliberate action of bringing your energy into alignment with what you want, meaning the Universe will match your energy with the physical, mental, emotion and spiritual manifestation of that energy.
There are a few things you need to realise about doing this:
1. This is happening whether or not you’re consciously doing it, so as Lao Tzu said, watch your thoughts, as they become your words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything. Also, character IS your life.
2. The Universe can pick up on an energy of lack or incongruity a mile away. Thinking, ‘I wish I had’, informs that Universe that you don’t have something you want. It therefore matches that, by continuing to keep you wanting it. In order to manifest something, you need to allow it and project your energy as you would feel if you already had it. Here’s the tricky bit: if you’re completely faking it, the Universe picks up on that too, and scuppers you again.
3. You’re normally your own worst enemy in this set up. What I said about it being harder than it looks, that’s because we mostly overthink it, or don’t think about it enough.
So what’s the simplest way to manifest something?
The simplest way I’ve found is developing a sense of gratitude for my life. I found if I got too bogged down with the exact specifications of what I wanted my life to look like I’d confused things. I kept jumping from wanting to live by the ocean to being close to my family to living abroad…from wanting to teach yoga to working for my parents to being a coach. I could keep my energy consistently in one place so I knew I was attracting then repulsing all the time, never ending up with anything I wanted.
I’ve also become conscious recently (thanks Gabby B!) that the life I imagine for myself as the life of my dreams is probably nothing compared to what the Universe has in store for me, so I’d rather not block myself and let the Universe show off a bit and show me what I’m missing!
In simple terms, I meditate daily and I am grateful for everything I have. I am grateful for my health, my family, my life, my dog, everything I can think of and I let myself get really emotional about it. I find something I can be so happy about it brings tears to my eyes (the more you practice the gratitude the easier this gets).
Then, I just ask the Universe to help me see what I need to see to live the life I’m supposed to live. To take away my fear and help me follow my intuition towards the next right action, and to be shown the way.
My way might not work for everyone, and I know many people who say you have to get super specific on what you want and create vision boards and meditate every day on that life, but I want more for myself than that – I want complete and true happiness that only comes from living out your soul’s purpose, no matter what that looks like.
In the last few months since really following this process, my life has turned upside down. I’ve left my job to coach full time, I’m moving back to my home town to be closer to my parents, my dog and the ocean and I’m happier than I’ve ever been. The choices I’ve made and opportunities I’ve been given I would never have thought of by myself, but because I kept my manifesting open, they’ve been presented to me.
I’d love to hear how you’re manifesting the life of your dreams. What works? What doesn’t? Let me know in the comments below 🙂