Five ways to tell your friends are keepers

I have read a lot of blogs over the years; specifically ones about leaving a ‘cubicle’ career and becoming an independent solopreneur. Isn’t it odd how five or six years ago no-one would know what the hell I just said but now cubicle career and...

Facing your fears (and other cliches)

This week, as you may know if you follow me on Twitter, I finally booked my flights to India. This trip has been five years in the making. Ever since I did my yoga teacher training with my inspirational teacher Conrad Paul, in London, I have wanted to see the...

Why you’re missing out on life (and how to change that)

So, I was talking to Ash over at The Middle Finger Project recently and she reminded me of something – Life’s all about the buzz. Whilst we all have responsibilities and we all have to earn enough to put food on the table and pays the bills, it means very...

MASSIVE Action – Are you wasting your time?

I’ve done another vlog (yey!). No really, I don’t much care for them myself but I know you all like to see who’s talking to you so I’ve chatted on for a bit in front of the camera this time around. It’s a little long winded because...