My journey isn’t your journey

My journey isn’t your journey

My journey isn’t your journey. I haven’t been through what you’ve been through. Even if we’ve shared some of the same experiences, my perspective on them, and the way I react to them, won’t be the same as the way you experienced them, the...
You are the light

You are the light

There is a line in the metaphysical text, A Course in Miracles, that resonates with me so strongly I smile every time I read it. That line is: The light has come. It’s actually one of the 365 lessons that make up part of the course. We live in a world of seeming...
Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This came up in my A Course in Miracles group recently, so I wanted to share some insight here too. Why do bad things happen to good people. Why do bad things happen at all? Is it random? Is it punishment or karma for bad behaviour in this or another life? Why is life...
Straight to love

Straight to love

I teach people to feel their feelings, that it’s good and healthy to acknowledge what’s going on for them and feel them, so they can be dealt with and released. It’s the cornerstone to almost all talking therapies. I hit a bit of a wall with this a...

Trusting in the Universe

I think we’ve all had times when we’ve felt like we just aren’t strong enough. Like there’s so much stuff going on we just don’t know if we’re going to make it through, and sometimes, we even question why we might want to. I...