
Not a long one today, just a little reminder – one which I’ve been saying to myself a lot recently. Whatever changes you want to make, make them one at a time, and have patience with yourself.

Rolling with the punches

I’m in Wales this weekend. After a super busy week I spent two hours working on the train home and spent my Saturday with my lovely fellow students on my Advanced Counselling Diploma course. Wanna know what I learned about this week? That life is always going to...

5 tips to survive the holidays

We all know that feeling – you know you should be feeling all excited about Christmas, but instead all you can do is count up how little time you have to get all you need to get done, done. I have no idea what who I’m getting what for Christmas. That...

What to do when you don’t have a holiday coming up

This may seem like an odd thing to be writing about given I’ve just spent a wonderful week in Italy, but since I now don’t have anything planned until my trip to India in October, I am starting to get cabin fever already. The problem with having a...