What I learned from my first Thanksgiving

What I learned from my first Thanksgiving

What I learned from my first thanksgiving? It’s actually not about the meal….it’s about sharing moments with strangers, friends and family…sharing love between human beings and making connections that might not have been there before....
What to do when you’re scared

What to do when you’re scared

I’ll let you in on a secret, I used to live my entire life in fear. Of course back then I called in anxiety. It was the ‘in’ word at the time. I was anxious about everything – work, chores, friends, boyfriends, family, food, even minor changes...
Choosing to put yourself in harm’s way

Choosing to put yourself in harm’s way

This week I sort of moved back in with my parents. At thirty-one years old. Into my childhood room, which I spent the whole of last weekend clearing out of fifteen years of accumulated memories and junk (in equal measure). To make room for a two-bed house’s...
You can’t love a little

You can’t love a little

I don’t know about you, but I am pretty good at making ‘deals’ with myself – little bargains and compromises. I’ll do yoga today, but I’m feeling pretty tired so I’ll do it later, or maybe I’ll just do the sun salutes...
How to surrender without giving up

How to surrender without giving up

Do you ever feel like life is just getting a little bit too hard? Like you REALLY want to know what the secret is that all these successful, happy people seem to have that you don’t? I know that feeling. That feeling that creeps in and let’s you know that...