Keeping score

What if you didn’t have to keep score? If you’ve ever sat and thought, ‘I’m not doing it anymore. I’m not going to keep giving and giving and trying and trying when this person isn’t making half as much effort as me’, this is...
Find your heart

Find your heart

Find your heart. Keep it always in your sight. Dig into the part of you that gives you meaning. Find it and love it. Remind yourself everyday of your worth. Fill your life with people who know it. Know that this is the part of you which makes you light up. Start...
What’s your why?

What’s your why?

What’s your why?

Why do you get up in the morning?
Why do you do your work / art?
Why are you kind to one person, one day, and unkind another?
Why are you compassionate with yourself, or not?
Why do you eat what you eat, or not eat what you don’t eat?
Why do you choose this path?

Are these choices supporting and loving the person you are now, and helping you become the person you want to be?
Photo: @loveluella

Inner work

Inner work

Thank you @angelo_saltamonte for our conversations – you always inspire me to think more deeply and learn more

Be yourself

Be yourself

You’re not too much. Just be yourself.

Flowers don’t care how much they are. They bloom so hard their beauty succumbs to the weight and their stalks wilt, but they still bloom.

You are a perfect match for everyone you come into contact with. Some will stay. Some will go. Some will be triggered. Some will be enchanted.
It’s not your business to judge nor censor yourself to fit what you believe they need or can accommodate. You were brought into each others’ lives for a reason.

Be yourself



She realised that what she desired, what she had felt was missing these last few weeks, was control. She had chosen to dis-empower herself, to choose the path of others, and wait to see what might happen. She made herself a victim of her circumstances. A stander-by in the play of her own life.

She thought she was powerless, but she was not. She thought she had to wait, to be told what to do, to take an enforced break from life, but she did not.

The only way through she realised, was to empower herself and remember that she could make a choice. She could use her agency and decide what she needed to do for her. She could decide how to adapt to changing circumstances. She could choose to live in fear, or choose to be an example of love.

If you’re feeling helpless, hopeless, or disinterested, where, or to whom, have you given your power?
Place your attention on what you CAN do, rather than what you can’t. Replace your stories of victim-hood with present moment awareness, and affirmative gratitude for what you are choosing now, instead of recreating the situations of the past by continually reaffirming your entitlement to be sad or challenged or in pain. You are entitled to feel that way, but I imagine you do not want to. That choice lies solely with you.

I would love to work with you if you are ready to make that choice, and would like support to do so. Message me