The blog
thoughts from me to youIs it possible to heal?
It is possible to heal.I get asked this quite a lot when having consultation calls with clients. Can you help me? Is it possible to not be like this? Firstly. I am not the person with all the answers. You are.Secondly. I'll 100% reflect back to you the truth that if...
You cannot be everything to everyone
You can only do the best you can do.Just a little reminder as everyone gets a little end-of-year / festive season worn out / over excited....If Christmas sucks for you, it sucks and I'm sorry. It doesn't matter why, but if you just want it to be over that's OK. Do...
The past is over
The second part of the workbook of A Course In Miracles groups the lessons together in blocks of ten which an over-arching theme for each block. The current block (if you started with Lesson one on 1st January) seems especially poignant and helpful for me at the...
Love is not earned
Love is not earned. It is not something you 'deserve' if you meet certain conditions set down by others or society. Conditional love is an oxymoron. If it's conditional, it's not love. It's coercive control.We often think of this in terms of who has 'loved' us...
Shame and Transparency
There's a concept in A Course in Miracles called 'no private thoughts'. As it suggests, it speaks to the idea that instead of trying to hold thoughts in our private brain somewhere and keep them secret (normally for fear of being judged somehow), we learn when, where...
What I’m learning about love
What I'm learning about love...We think that if we love too much, we will somehow run out.We've all had the experience of loving someone or something so much, that when we don't get back what we expected, wanted or thought we deserved, we feel depleted, defeated,...
Teach only love
I had this quote printed and framed to hang in my kitchen. It means I get to read it many times a day.I'm also getting plenty of opportunities to learn what it means and practice it.For those who don't know, I'm currently in a year long ministerial training based on...
Being supportive
I often talk to clients about the difference between enabling and supporting loved ones. I've had to learn this lesson myself, many times.We cannot take responsibility for anyone other than ourselves. We must learn to trust the ones we love to do what is best for...
It takes a village
I've counselled enough immigrant parents over the years to have learned that the phrase 'it takes a village' could not be more accurate.I moved to Portugal to find my own village. Despite being very happy in splendid isolation in the middle of the Welsh hills, I think...