When being ‘present’ means being ‘absent’

Being present is a bit of a misnomer. [Tweet “People assume that in order to be ‘present’ you must be present with them. “] My trouble is that sometimes my version of being ‘present’ means being present with my own thoughts. This...

The most effective way to find your purpose

When was the last time you woke up and really got excited about the day ahead (and not just because you were on holiday)? When was the last time something just fell in to place for you like it was just meant to be? [Tweet “When was the last time you smiled...

What to do when you don’t know what to do

I’m sat alone, on my bed, my cup of Nespresso cappuccino at the side of me and a blank screen in front. First, I open Facebook…the Google+, then I open a few of my favourite business blogs and see if there’s any inspiration there. Crickets…....

Why you shouldn’t have counselling

Don’t get me wrong, as a counsellor, I swear by personal therapy: I have a counsellor and believe everyone can benefit greatly from having one. What I don’t believe in, is having a counsellor because you, or someone close to you, feels like you should....

5 ways to kill your inner critic

I’m not good enough. Everyone will laugh at me. I’m not as good as the others. People will think I’m stupid All statements of ‘fact’. All statements guaranteed to make you feel like rubbish. All statements to set you on a path to failure....