Yoga Mini Series for Stress Relief – Back bending

This is the third of a four part mini series on yoga for stress, check out the rest by visiting the resources page for subscribers. This again is another really simple yoga therapy technique which has a multitude of benefits. In yoga, opening the chest allows the...

Yoga Mini Series for Stress Relief – Nadi Shodhana

Anulomvilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) – A form of Nadi Shodhana This is the second in a four part mini series on yoga for stress, check out the rest by visiting the resources page for subscribers. Nadi Shodhana literally means to clear or purify the...

Yoga Mini Series for Stress Relief – Yogic Breathing

Is the pace of modern day living getting you stressed? You know that really annoying piece of advice about counting to ten? There’s something in that advice. Deep yogic breathing helps regulate the parasympathetic nervous system to help you feel more calm and in...