Straight to love

Straight to love

I teach people to feel their feelings, that it’s good and healthy to acknowledge what’s going on for them and feel them, so they can be dealt with and released. It’s the cornerstone to almost all talking therapies. I hit a bit of a wall with this a...

Trusting in the Universe

I think we’ve all had times when we’ve felt like we just aren’t strong enough. Like there’s so much stuff going on we just don’t know if we’re going to make it through, and sometimes, we even question why we might want to. I...
How to trust yourself

How to trust yourself

I’ll be completely honest here, I’m still learning how to trust myself. I think it will be an on-going journey. You think you’ve got it sussed, then someone or something betrays you and you have to reassess and recalibrate. Were you wrong in trusting...
Learning to let go

Learning to let go

It’s the hardest and the easiest thing in the world to do. ‘Just let it go.’ We get told over and over again (well, those of us who have a tendency to be just a tad neurotic about things) that our lives would be so much simpler if we could just let...
Creating boundaries with people you love

Creating boundaries with people you love

That third phone call of the day, ‘Just to check in and see how you are’. The second text from a friend, ‘Just seeing if you’ve had chance to look at that thing for me yet? No worries if not….’ That PM on Facebook from someone you...