Making a stand (even when it means losing business)

This week I learned a valuable lesson, which I thought I’d learned quite some time ago – the art of saying no. I think the universe sometimes decides I need to learn a lesson, then conspires to throw everything at me at once so I DEFINITELY learn it....

Facing your fears (and other cliches)

This week, as you may know if you follow me on Twitter, I finally booked my flights to India. This trip has been five years in the making. Ever since I did my yoga teacher training with my inspirational teacher Conrad Paul, in London, I have wanted to see the...

How do you know what’s right?

Have you ever asked yourself, ‘What is the right question’? or ‘How do I know what’s right?’. I have been asking myself that a lot over the past few weeks. In the past month I’ve decided to leave my job, then decided to stay with my...

What’s your personal mission statement?

This post is all about making decisions from a principle centred place.   As you may know, I’m in the process of reading ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Steve Covey. I have to say, reading it on the tube (London Underground trains...