Creating boundaries with people you love

Creating boundaries with people you love

That third phone call of the day, ‘Just to check in and see how you are’. The second text from a friend, ‘Just seeing if you’ve had chance to look at that thing for me yet? No worries if not….’ That PM on Facebook from someone you...
How to face your fears with grace and integrity

How to face your fears with grace and integrity

I’ve noticed recently that there are two very distinct ways of looking at life: 1. Seeing an obstacle, deciding to view it as a challenge, hunkering down and bull-dozing your way through it or, 2. Seeing an obstacle, backing off, observing it from a distance,...
Doubt means don’t

Doubt means don’t

When you have doubts about what you should do, don’t do anything. Oprah said that. When I heard it, it made me think of all the times I’ve sat confused and paralyzed as to what to do, not knowing which way would be better. I wondered if I’d have ever...

How to be 100% confident

I went to one of my oldest friend’s wedding this weekend. I had to do a reading. In church. In front of everyone. The last time I went to church was at another wedding two years ago.  It. Was. Scary. I have no idea why I find public speaking scary. It...