On guilt and shame

On guilt and shame

Guilt and shame are two words that make me die a little inside every time I hear them. I pride myself on my honesty, my integrity, and my loving intention. I do my very best to be objective, kind and loving. It doesn’t always work and sometimes I ‘see my...
Acceptance starts with compassion

Acceptance starts with compassion

I’m going to be super honest and vulnerable now, and hope that those reading this understand that I’m human too. I’m having a really hard time with acceptance right now. Most people who know me would describe me as the most forgiving,...
The question you should ALWAYS ask before any conversation

The question you should ALWAYS ask before any conversation

I had a conversation with a family member this weekend. They’ll remain nameless to avoid any upset. The conversation started because said family member, let’s call them ‘ET’, wanted to ‘have it out’ with someone close to them whose...
Having fun for fun’s sake

Having fun for fun’s sake

When was the last time you did something fun? Not for anyone else, not because your friend needed a wing-women, or because there was an offer on at your favourite spa. When was the last time you did something totally fun, with no strings, just because you could and it...
How does it feel to be happy?

How does it feel to be happy?

Weird question right? How does it feel to be happy?! Obviously I was scrapping the barrel of blog topics this week/ But seriously, if everyone experiences feelings differently, because ultimately everyone’s perception is unique, how do we really know what...