There’s something beautiful in the idea of having only a few possessions and living life simply for the joy of living right? It’s not just me?

I did an interview years ago with a guy travelling round the world – no home, no suitcase, just a backpack and his mac, and he seemed super happy. It appealed to me.

Not enough to dump my stuff and go travelling, but there was something appealing about not having to think about ‘stuff’ all the time. The allure of minimalist living.

I’ve been trying to plan a bit this weekend for all the huge changes that are coming up for me this summer: I officially leave my part time office job on 22nd May, then go to Italy for a couple of weeks with my family, then come back, have another three weeks in London before my lease expires, finish my counselling volunteer gig and then I have a three week gap before moving back in to my house in Liverpool which has been rented out for the past five years. I’m contemplating going to California for the three weeks. I’m also contemplating getting my bathroom redone. First world problems. I know.

So I have HUGE changes coming up for me, but over it all is this really great feeling of consolidation.

One job – my business, my clients, my rules.

No more counsellor volunteering (it was great but incredibly restrictive)

No more having my stuff spread out between two houses and storage at my parent’s.

No more scheduling visits back home to Wales and booking trains up and down and missing my dog like crazy.

It might not be the more traditional view of minimalist living, but for me it will be a huge improvement, and it got me thinking, why? Why is this better than having lots of stuff going on and being in different environments that inspire me?

For me, it comes down to one thing: Focus.

When you strip back all the distractions, you get to know what’s really important and what makes you come alive inside, and you get to focus on that.

I see this problem a lot with clients and friends. They spread themselves too thinly trying to fill a hole somewhere and in doing so, get no closer to feeling fulfilled.

Whatever journey you’re on, there comes a time when we all feel the need to get back to something real; to strip away the BS and leave ourselves with an authentic experience, with something that has meaning for us and with people who mean something to us.

Eventually, we realise that all the stuff we have accumulated over the years is just weighing us down and by letting it go, and letting our attachment to it go, we can begin to focus down on what’s really important – our hopes and dreams; our happiness.


I’m Emma Brooke. I work with beautiful, intelligent, compassionate and spiritual ladies who have somehow stepped away from their true selves and aren’t entirely sure how to get themselves back again. In my signature program, I take you step by step over an eight week period from overwhelm and mental exhaustion to selfish-centeredness – knowing what you want, what you need and how you can make yourself and those you love feel fulfilled and complete. Schedule a chat with me.