Some of you may know that I am in the process of gaining the ICF credential for my coaching work. This is no mean feat and requires a lot of time and investment on my part, including completion of a certain number of logged (not recorded) hours coaching genuine clients.

As this has coincided with the COVID-19 outbreak and the stress many of us are feeling as our lives change, I have decided to offer either one-off sessions or a course of life coaching sessions at a massively discounted rate. My hope is that this will serve both of us powerfully – you get transformational coaching to help you achieve your potential and move you forward in whatever area of your life you are currently feeling stuck, and I get to log my client hours quickly, in a way that feels supportive of our global community during a time of crisis.

If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, please contact me and we can go from there.

I’m offering these sessions for £20 (around $25) each instead of the usual rate of £111.

I look forward to supporting you 💕

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