Listening to your intuition

The article below was written by me in 2011. It’s been sat in my drafts since then, gathering digital dust because I didn’t think it ‘went’ with my website or the hypnotherapy. Those who visit often know I overhauled the site a few weeks ago...

Feeling overwhelmed

I wanted to write today about feeling overwhelmed. Why? Because that’s how I feel, probably more often than I should, and I wanted to let you know that that’s OK. Whilst feeling overwhelmed isn’t particularly healthy, it is natural and as long as you...

How to be 100% confident

I went to one of my oldest friend’s wedding this weekend. I had to do a reading. In church. In front of everyone. The last time I went to church was at another wedding two years ago.  It. Was. Scary. I have no idea why I find public speaking scary. It...

Why you should listen to your body about stress

This weekend I have had the joy of spending the majority of my time in bed. This is the weekend where London hit 27C. Great. As I write this I am lying in bed, it’s 6:30am on Sunday morning and it’s already 27C in my flat. Sounds amazing? Well actually...