What’s your personal mission statement?

This post is all about making decisions from a principle centred place.   As you may know, I’m in the process of reading ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Steve Covey. I have to say, reading it on the tube (London Underground trains...

Getting Motivated – Making it a Habit

  OK, so tell me this – why am I finding it so darn hard to find time to do something I love at the moment?   Yoga is my passion. It’s up there with chocolate for goodness sake! And yet, recently, since I moved down to London really, I’ve...

Cloaks, stars, moons and hippy chicks

OK, so over the past few months I’ve talked alot about positive thinking and confidence, but I thought this week I’d actually tell you about what I actually do, which, in essence, is a form of hypnotherapy.   I’m actually  little apprehensive...

Giving yourself permission

So this week I was going to talk about your ability to say no to people, mainly at work, and how that actually ends up benefiting you and your boss because you’re more productive in what you do take on…and don’t go off with stress.   However,...

Playing to your strengths

I was recently given a copy of Strengthsfinder 2.0 by Tom Rath. For those of you who might not of heard of this book before, it’s basically a sort of personality questionnaire that focuses on finding your strengths rather than your weaknesses.   So far, I...