Rolling with the punches

I’m in Wales this weekend. After a super busy week I spent two hours working on the train home and spent my Saturday with my lovely fellow students on my Advanced Counselling Diploma course. Wanna know what I learned about this week? That life is always going to...

How to be 100% confident

I went to one of my oldest friend’s wedding this weekend. I had to do a reading. In church. In front of everyone. The last time I went to church was at another wedding two years ago.  It. Was. Scary. I have no idea why I find public speaking scary. It...

Why you should listen to your body about stress

This weekend I have had the joy of spending the majority of my time in bed. This is the weekend where London hit 27C. Great. As I write this I am lying in bed, it’s 6:30am on Sunday morning and it’s already 27C in my flat. Sounds amazing? Well actually...

How to recognise and neutralise panic

Ever get that feeling of sheer panic come over you and not really understand at what point it all got so stressful? As many of you know, last year I moved home to England after eight months in Italy, quit the family business (and my inheritance in the process) and...