I had this quote printed and framed to hang in my kitchen. It means I get to read it many times a day.

I’m also getting plenty of opportunities to learn what it means and practice it.

For those who don’t know, I’m currently in a year long ministerial training based on the teachings of A Course In Miracles. At the end, technically I’ll be a Reverend, but that seems like a really strange concept to me right now. My focus is on immersing myself in practising and learning, and training specifically in spiritual mentorship and coaching.

To coincide with the beginning of the next step in this journey, one of my biggest teachers was brought back into my life. No-one is ever brought to anyone by accident. We are brought together as perfect pairings to learn and heal and grow for however long it is helpful.

I find myself asking today, how do I teach love with someone who pushes people away when they’re hurt? How do I do whatever that is, in a way that also teaches love to myself?

People match or mirror us. So I ask…

How open to receiving love am I in this moment and in this way? Do I have preconceived ideas of what love should be?

How open am I to loving unconditionally, by simply following my heart and intuition even if it looks different from how I think it should? How do I offer love and freedom from an authentic place, giving up all my judgements and ideas of how things ‘should’ be?

I don’t have perfect answers to these questions, but luckily I don’t have to. Moment by moment, I get to tune in. I get to choose love, forgive my attack thoughts, be gentle with my sometimes judgemental, angry or hurt mind and ask to be shown a more peaceful way. I never fail to receive a miracle.