In a lot of my posts I talk about following your dream; focusing your thoughts on what you want and going for it. It struck me there can be a massive problem with this – what if you don’t know what your dream is?
You might have some goals in life, you might not have any, maybe you know what you like to do but aren’t sure if it’s what you’d want to do all the time or for a long time. You’re not alone, it took me years to figure out what field I wanted to be in and what I liked doing in my spare time, and I still haven’t even started on what I eventually want my life to look like; where I want to live etc.
Here’s the thing – you don’t have to!
You don’t have to have your whole life mapped out before you – where’s the fun in that? Life is about enjoying yourself and the journey that you create for yourself.
So often people live their whole lives trying to get to their end goal – whether that being having the money to retire or reaching a certain point in their career or whatever – that they actually waste their whole lives trying to ‘get there’ and before they know it they’re where they wanted to be but it doesn’t taste half as sweet as they thought.
This is because we enjoy the journey. We enjoy the goal and having something to reach for but what most people fail to realise is that reaching for it is part of the process.
The journey is the important bit, not the goal.
Now this might fly in the face of a lot of ideas you’ve been told over the years, especially if you’re interested in self-development. Your life may well have revolved around achieving goals and if you didn’t know what you wanted out of life by the time you were 16 then you were never going to amount to much at all (that might have just been my family and my school…meh!)
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have goals, but what I am saying is that they’re not the end game.
Having goals gives us something to work towards, a reason to get up in the morning. But my goal could be as simple as ‘I’m going to enjoy every moment today and be grateful I’m alive’. That’s not going to change the world, but it will make me happy, and if I’m happy I’m bound to share that happiness with the people around me.
I completely believe our thoughts create our reality, so I always make it a habit to say my affirmations daily and review them regularly, but I enjoy the journey. I’m not waiting for the goal to come, getting impatient because I haven’t quite got there yet, I’m savouring the process and all the learning and enjoyment I’m getting from following this path for a while and seeing which way it turns.
That’s why affirmations are great but they have to be reviewed. Affirmations are fluid concepts. As you go down one path it might open up a better route, one that feels more ‘right’ for you at the time.
There’s no shame in changing your mind.
Society might dictate you have to reach a certain status or have done certain things by the time you reach a certain age but it isn’t a law (at least thankfully in the UK and USA). You always have the right to change your mind.
Think about what you like to do and find a way to do more of that. Think outside the box. You don’t have to do what people expect you to do; nor do you have to quit your job and go travelling round the world (you could, and it would be awesome, but you don’t have to 🙂 ). What you can do is:
1. Think about how you might like things to turn out in the short or long -term.
2. Think about what you like doing.
3. Figure out a way to do more of what you like doing (a happy person breeds more happiness for those around them, so this is not selfish).
4. Spend some time each day imagining yourself having achieved your goals – what it would look like, how you would feel: as vividly as possible.
5. Remember to enjoy the journey – you are welcome to alter the path as often as you like!
This is never the end, goals will always change as you grow and your circumstances change. There are infinite variables in your life and this is such an amazing plus! How boring would it all be if you had everything figured out straight out of school and that was it…no more creativity until you died?!
Enjoy your life – enjoy every moment and live life fully!
Very nice. I struggle with deciding what I want to do. Yes, everyone says you can do whatever you want. Too many choices just paralyzes me. One day at a time…
I completely agree – it’s all well and good having the world as your oyster but you have to know what to do with it! As you said, one day at a time, following your intuition and enjoying each step of the process…