If you didn’t have anyone to go to, nowhere to run…if you only had yourself to look to for the answers to your problems, where would you start?

We so often run away from ourselves, from our pain and from our suffering, and instead project our fears and anger on to those around us, then tell them they are the ones who need to change, or get help, in order to make us feel better.

Yet, any journey – any true healing you undertake – whether it be through talking therapy or anything else, asks you to look within for your answers, it asks you to heal YOUR wounds, so the external world can reflect a more peaceful internal world.

So, if you couldn’t get anyone else to ‘fix’ your problem, and your only option was to look inside yourself, to really be with, experience and accept the parts of yourself you have hidden from, run away from and rejected for so long, what would that look like?

That – the helping you take responsibility for yourself – is where therapists and healers like myself can help, support, guide and hold you. This combination of ownership, vulnerability, honesty and courage between you and whomever you ask to support you, is what creates a powerful alchemical container for change.

If your heart is longing for the freedom, authenticity and love that comes from no longer hiding from yourself (nor anyone else), have a look at my current programmes and see if we’re a match <3 .
📸 @loveluella photography

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