My mala
So, that moment when you hear your phone go (& know who it is cos only that person uses that generic IM app), scream ‘Yey’ out loud, to yourself, in an empty apartment and skip (yes – left foot up, hop, change and repeat – actually skip) in to the lounge to check your message, is the moment you know you’re in love.
Why did I just semi-admit that I reacted like a love-sick puppy to the thought of getting a message from another human being (hey, it might not have been me, I could have been talking about a ‘friend’ of mine)? Because not enough people know what that feels like.
And too many people know what it feels like to feel like crap because of another person.
So, that very short little snippet in to my world leads us, not so eloquently, in to the realms of mantra.
OK, so right now you have no freaking idea how me skipping = mantra but that’s OK, we’re making a link here. EVERYTHING WILL BE OK.
Will it?!!!
No seriously, it will. Want some cliches to prove it?
- Every cloud has a silver lining
- There’s a rainbow after the rain
- Every dog has it’s day
- Sunshine after the storm
OK I’m bored now…
Back to mantras. This is not the time to turn off ladies – mantras are cool. Honestly. You don’t even have to be a non-deodorant wearing (read: smelly – seriously WTF is up with not wearing deodorant?), long skirt wearing, sitting in trees, smiling at the moon, standing on your head (not at the same time), goddess loving hippy to love mantras.
Let’s talk simple science.
Disclaimer: very simple as I am not a scientist. If you want the hot science, read this – it’s worth it if you really are interested, and semi worth it if you’re not.
A mantra, normally in the sanskrit language for Buddhists, Hindus or yogis, is a saying, similar to a prayer, which is repeated, normally 108 times in order to induce certain health benefits.
Many yogis have told me that the mantras have been repeated many many thousands of times by truly enlightened teachers (read: really chilled out people) and that this has infused that energy in to the mantra too. Also, when pronounced correctly, the tongue hits certain pressure points in the mouth (bit like reflexology) which also induces the desired benefits.
So, the basic premise is you pick a mantra which appeals to you, get yourself a mantra counter app or some pretty mala beads (I love mine but they don’t come cheap) and get yourself comfy for five to ten minutes a day. Go somewhere quiet, set your intention e.g. I really want to get clear on this problem I’m having or I am going to make more time for myself and my needs and then start chanting (OMG Nooooooooo – did I just use the word chanting to describe repeating something over and over again? OMG YES I DID), moving one bead for each repetition.
Ideally, you want to do the same mantra for 40 days in a row or more, but you can say it as much as you want. When you find yourself getting stressed out, you may even start hearing yourself say it in your head.
THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE GOING MAD (or turning in to a hippy)
It’s calming and chill inducing. You just have to repeat a set of words. No thoughts. No complications. Just rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have five minutes to do something mind-numbingly dull that meant you could switch off from the real world for a bit?!
Here are a couple of my faves:
- Om Namah Shivaya (mantra for yogis and fresh starts (Shiva is destruction and endings, giving room for new beginnings))
- Om Gum Gunapatayei Namaha (for the removal of obstacles)
- Om Shanti Om (peace)
How did that relate to my skipping?
Mantras induce mindfulness. Mindfulness stops you from letting other people dictate how you feel (bad and good).
Getting some mental space (generic and confusing term I know – WTF is mental space? Apart from a fenced off part of a park somewhere where mad people gather to jump up and down and scream at imaginary people), allows you to remember that you choose how you feel. So letting someone make me feel amazing (head out of the gutter, please, I’m a lady) is my choice, which means I also get to choose to not let someone make me feel like crap because, oh, I don’t know, they took me on dates, kissed me, semi-arranged another date then dropped off the face of the planet…that kinda thing.
Have a great Sunday!!
Loved reading today’s post Emma. Thank you for de-mistifying the process for me. I find chanting very calming and de-stressing, it usually gently leads into meditation as oppose to just sitting down to it which at the moment I still find a little stressful (ha ha ironic but true). As they saying goes; Do not let behaviour of others affect your inner peace.
Thanks Antonina!! I’m glad it helped. If you’re interested in the science behind mantra, check out this video (ignore the super hippy music) –