I made another video and this one I love! I realised there’s a really straight-forward, six step process to being happy and at peace, that you can use your entire life, for any situation. The video breaks it down for you.
I’m really excited about this and want to know if you want to hear more about this process and how you can implement it into your life. Leave a comment for be below and tell me how I can help! x
Hi Emma, this really does resonate with me. I often find myself being glum and unhappy for no reason and constantly telling myself to let it go just put a smile on my face and run with it but it really doesn’t take long for me to go off course. I realise that it’s a long journey and it’s something we have to practice over time but I have become very frustrated with myself which I know is a self full filling prophecy. If I can’t forgive myself and love myself then how can I expect anyone else. I really appreciate the things you’ve said in your video and I will probably write them down and hopefully stick with them when I’m falling back into my feeling of unhappiness. I wanted to comment because you seem a very kind person and any chance of speaking with someone who understands these feelings is always a joy for me because as we all do at times I feel I’m alone on the feeling. Thanks for your video 🙂
Hi Kelly,
I’m so glad the video helped and thank you so much for taking the time to write! The step before ‘faking it until you make it’ is really key for long-lasting happiness. We have to acknowledge and honour all our feelings before we can let them go. Keep doing the forgiveness work and being kind to yourself and you will see the changes 🙂
Emma x