There’s been an awful lot going on in my world of late – I moved apartments. Actually, that’s pretty much it but it seemed to take some much time and energy, even though we were only moving 30 mins away to East London (New apartment, in a marina, next to the Thames – not to blow my own trumpet but we did really well – it’s so pretty and I love it!).

As a result of this move however, we are now on a budget. I hate that word. It never ends well. There’s never anything good about a budget.

Except, it made me think about things.

Sambo and I started by entering in how much we were currently spending – not estimates, actually going in to our statements and categorising them. I was really surprised. I’ve never overspent and never really had to worry about what I was spending because I’m quite careful with money (some may say tight, I prefer frugal!). Needless to say it was a great exercise to really get a visual on where you’re at.

The second thing that came up as a result of this budget was that unless I managed to work 24/7 for the next six months, I wasn’t going to have the client base I needed to allow me to quit my day job. Since I actually like spending time with my boyfriend and seeing my family, I’m happy to only see a few clients a week which means my life is enhanced rather than made to suffer.

So I was then left with a bit of a dilemma – was I ‘selling out’? Was I giving up on my dream of being self-employed because I wanted the pay cheque to pay my bills and live comfortably (having spent most of the money I’d been saving to go solo on the apartment deposit)?

Then I realised something.

I may love psychology and helping people through hypnotherapy and yoga, but am I so passionate about it I’d give everything else up? Obviously not.

Does that make me a bad person?

I asked myself, what’s the one thing you simply have to have in your life – what’s your dream?

The answer surprised me, searching deep within me I found, not some deep-seated yearning to make a difference, but simply, to be happy.

I don’t need to be a certain person, have a certain type of job, earn a certain amount of money or be with a certain type of guy. 

I don’t have to have a one true passion (although if you talk to me about yoga and psychology they come damn close!).

I can live my life happily, enjoying things as they unfold. Following a dream doesn’t mean you always have to go in the same direction; it can change as often as the weather changes.

If you’ve got one dream you’re hell-bent on achieving, go for it! However, if you’re like me and maybe don’t have a massive passion that oozes out of you like a cream-filled doughnut; that’s OK too.

Figure out what’s going to make you happy today or this week, and go do that!